1) EVERYONE HAS TO CALL IN THROUGH THE NEW Google Docs system. The links will be located on the "Schedule" page! There will be no call-in’s accepted any other way!!!
Call-ins are subject to change! Check the website, Facebook, and newsletter for posts!
Remember Members must have entered/exhibitioned in 7 rodeos per event you wish to qualify in for Finals. Must be 7 Entries or 7 Exhibitions...not a combination of the 2.
No Non Member Exhibitions or Permits allowed at Finals.
Must compete in Min. of 4 Rodeos to qualify for YEAR END Awards in that event. All Points won apply to All Around Standings.
WR/JR /SR Breakaway Roping
Tie Down Calf Roping
Ribbon Roping
PW/WR/JR/SR Barrels
Stock Busting
Calf Riding
WR Steer Riding
PW/WR Goat Doggin'
Team Roping
PW/WR Goat Tying
WR Boys Goat Tying
JR/SR Goat Tying
Chute Dogging
JR-SR Bull Riding
Member & Permit Entry Fees:
All Events: $30.00 per event per rodeo entered
Exhibitions: JR/SR Bulls: $40.00
All others $15.00
All Fees must be paid 30 min prior to Rodeo Start
or contestant will be fined (see rulebook).
All Ages as of November 1st, 2024
Pee Wee's: 6 & Under
Wrangler's: 7 to 10 yrs old
Junior's: 11 to 14 yrs old
Senior's: 15 to 18 yrs old
Order of Events: